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Eyes to Heaven
Eyes To Heaven was written for the youth musical Dream A Dark Tear which was first performed by pupils on the specialist music scheme at Wells Cathedral School. The show went on to have a successful run in St Helier, Jersey.
Dream A Dark Tear is a fictitious story of an internationally famous band who self destruct in the full glare of public view and scrutiny due to a scandal the band cannot recover from.
Eyes to Heaven is sung by the central character to the scandal as they desperately look for help. They sing how they would treat the love of their life if the roles were reversed in the hope that they will be the same to them. As the song unfolds in the last chorus as a duet, the love of their life leaves them despite feeling the same but the intensity of everything is too much for them leaving the central character alone.
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I'll Give it all to You
I'll Give It All To You was written for the youth musical Dream A Dark Tear which was first performed by pupils on the specialist music scheme at Wells Cathedral School. The show went on to have a successful run in St Helier Jersey.
Dream A Dark Tear is a fictitious story of an internationally famous band who self destruct in the full glare of public view and scrutiny due to a scandal the band can't recover from. Through it all two of the band members despite the intense pressure stay true friends right to the very end despite everything. For one of these best friends their life draws to an end and I'll Give It All To You is a goodbye song from their greatest best friend still willing to give them all they have.

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Top of the hill
Top of the Hill was originally written for a short workshop youth musical - Said The Spider To The Fly, a project initiated by the Gloucester branch of the NSPCC. The project was filmed with the intention to use as a workshop tool to help children and young people who were survivors of abuse. Top of the Hill lyrics were based on a poem especially written by a young person who had survived abuse as a child. The song later appeared in this version in the musical GUV which went on to receive 4 star critical acclaim at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

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I Can't Believe
I Can’t Believe was written for the youth musical Dream A Dark Tear which was first performed by pupils on the specialist music scheme at Wells Cathedral School. The show went on to have a successful run in St Helier Jersey.
Dream A Dark Tear is a fictitious story of an internationally famous band who self destruct in the full glare of public view and scrutiny due to a scandal the band can't recover. I Can't Believe appears in the show at the height of the scandal as band members turn on each other, selling their inside stories to the highest bidders.
I See You ( Release date 1st December)
I See You is a stand alone song that was written to launch a campaign of the same name to raise awareness and money in support of the extraordinary care work 24/7 365 days a year that is undertaken in care homes across the UK especially with regard to residents suffering from dementia or nearing the end of their lives. The song was written for Glastonbury Care Home which is under the umbrella of Brunelcare and released as a single with a music video filmed at Glastonbury Care Home based on the daily life in the home.
Available soon on Spotify

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Peace of Mind
Peace of Mind first appeared as the closing song in the musical Dream A Dark Tear which was based on the story of a famous rock and roll band who face the intense public attention, scrutiny and scandal that evolves around them when one of the band members reveals they are suffering and subsequently die from aids. The song was then used and written as the rousing closing song to the musical GUV which went on to receive 4 star critical acclaim at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival.